New Student Checklist

Welcome to the Raven family! As you prepare for your arrival to the Benedictine College campus, please review your checklist and steps for a smooth transition.

First-Year Student


  • Submit All Official Documents: final high school transcript(s) with month and year of graduation; final college transcripts; dual-credit, IB transcripts, and score reports from AP, ACT, SAT or CLT
  • Complete the Disability Form if you have a physical, psychological, attention or learning disability that you wish to request accommodations for while in college. Documentation required.
  • Complete the Freshman Course Planning Form through your Admission Portal.
    • Spring term: You will be notified via email when the Freshman Course Planning form is available to complete. An assigned advisor will contact you and enroll you in classes when registration opens.
    • Fall term: You will be notified via email when the Freshman Course Planning form opens for priority registration. Complete the form by May 15 to be enrolled by our Advising Team. If you are unable to meet the May 15 deadline, submit the Freshman Course Planning Form as soon as possible.
  • Need to change a class? New spring students may contact their advisor. New fall students are required to submit an online change request form by August 1 or meet with an advisor during ROC Week.

* All documents and health form(s) must be received at Benedictine College or you will be placed on academic hold, i.e., you will be blocked from enrolling in future classes.

Financial Aid

  • Send proof of outside scholarships to the Office of Financial Aid as soon as possible. These funds are applied directly to your student billing account upon receipt of the funds.
  • Sign and submit your Financial Aid Offer Letter via your RavenZone account.
  • Complete your Financial Aid checklist via RavenZone.
  • If you intend to utilize federal student loans, complete Entrance Loan Counseling and Master Promissory Note for Federal Direct Loans. Complete this as soon as possible if enrolling in the spring. Complete this step after June 1 if enrolling in the fall.
  • Apply for an Alternative/Private Loan if parents will not be utilizing the PLUS Loan.

Business Office

  • Complete the Electronic Authorization Agreement when initially accessing TouchNet through your RavenZone account. TouchNet is a provider of secure online student tuition billing, payments, and electronic refunds.
  • Once you are enrolled in classes, review your bill and account through RavenZone.
  • Settle your balance or set up a semester Installment Payment Plan by the tuition due date: January 1 for the spring semester; August 1 for the fall semester.
  • Set up Authorized Users. An authorized user can be a parent, grandparent, or anyone you give permission to see your account activity and who helps you understand your financial situation at Benedictine College.
  • Are you anticipating a refund from your student loans? Enroll in electronic Student Refunds (eRefund) through your RavenZone account, and have the credit balance direct-deposited to your bank account. If you prefer, a paper check refund will be mailed to the home address on your student account.
  • Purchase Raven Bucks through RavenZone.


  • Health Forms for New Student-Athletes: You will receive an email from Benedictine Athletic Training with instructions and a link to complete your health forms online. Bring a copy of your immunization record with you on your move-in day, email it to Director of Student Health Services Laura O’Grady ( or mail it to:

Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
1301 N. 3rd Street
Atchison, KS 66002

  • Health Forms for all other New Students: Download and complete required Health Form with medical and immunization history. Proof of insurance (copy of front and back of insurance card) is strongly recommended but not required. Submit via email ( or mail completed documents to the Director of Student Health Services:

Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
1301 N. 3rd Street
Atchison, KS 66002

  • View required textbooks through RavenZone or the Virtual Bookstore once you are enrolled in classes. You may opt to purchase your books within the Virtual Bookstore or through another vendor; be sure to use the required book’s ISBN and edition when searching with alternate vendors. Some required books may not be available for purchase through other vendors. Textbooks are not available for purchase in the Raven Store.
  • Order a parking pass online after August 1.
  • Sign up for Raven Alerts.

Communication Note

Your student email account is the primary method of communication between Benedictine and you – please read all information to stay informed, even during the months class is not in session. Benedictine email accounts are activated December 1 for new spring semester students; and June 1 for new fall semester students.

Transfer Student


  • Submit All Official Documents: final college transcripts; AP scores; and when applicable, test scores, and final high school transcripts.
  • Complete the Disability Form if you have a physical, psychological, attention or learning disability that you wish to request accommodations for while in college. Documentation required.
  • Need to change a class? Transfers may contact their assigned advisor.

* All documents and health form(s) must be received at Benedictine College or you will be placed on academic hold, i.e., you will be blocked from enrolling in future classes.

Financial Aid

  • Send proof of outside scholarships to the Office of Financial Aid as soon as possible. These funds are applied directly to your student billing account upon receipt of the funds.
  • Sign and submit your Financial Aid Offer Letter via your RavenZone account.
  • Complete your Financial Aid checklist via RavenZone.
  • If you intend to utilize federal student loans, complete Entrance Loan Counseling and Master Promissory Note for Federal Direct Loans. Complete this as soon as possible if applying in the spring. Complete this step after June 1 if enrolling in the fall.
  • Apply for an Alternative/Private Loan if parents will not be utilizing the PLUS Loan.

Business Office

  • Complete the Electronic Authorization Agreement when initially accessing TouchNet through your RavenZone account. TouchNet is a provider of secure online student tuition billing, payments, and electronic refunds.
  • Once you are enrolled in classes, review your bill and account activity through RavenZone.
  • Settle your balance or set up a semester Installment Payment Plan by the tuition due date: January 1 for the spring semester, August 1 for the fall semester.
  • Set up Authorized Users. An authorized user can be a parent, grandparent, or anyone you give permission to see your account activity and who helps you understand your financial situation at Benedictine College.
  • Are you anticipating a refund from your student loans? Enroll in electronic Student Refunds (eRefund) through your RavenZone account, and have the credit balance direct-deposited to your bank account. If you prefer, a paper check refund will be mailed to the home address on your student account.
  • Purchase Raven Bucks through RavenZone.


  • Health Forms for New Student-Athletes: You will receive an email from Benedictine Athletic Training with instructions and a link to complete your health forms online. Bring a copy of your immunization record with you on your move-in day, email it to Director of Student Health Services Laura O’Grady ( or mail it to:

Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
1301 N. 3rd Street
Atchison, KS 66002

  • Health Forms for all other New Students: Download and complete required Health Form with medical and immunization history. Proof of insurance (copy of front and back of insurance card) is strongly recommended but not required. Submit via email ( or mail completed documents to the Director of Student Health Services:

Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
1301 N. 3rd Street
Atchison, KS 66002

  • View required textbooks through RavenZone or the Virtual Bookstore once you are enrolled in classes. You may opt to purchase your books within the Virtual Bookstore or through another vendor; be sure to use the required book’s ISBN and edition when searching with alternate vendors. Some required books may not be available for purchase through other vendors. Textbooks are not available for purchase in the Raven Store.
  • Order a parking pass online after August 1.
  • Sign up for Raven Alerts.

Communication Note

Your student email account is the primary method of communication between Benedictine and you – please read all information to stay informed, even during the months class is not in session. Benedictine email accounts are activated December 1 for new spring semester students; and June 1 for new fall semester students.

International Student


  • Apply for F-1 student visa
  • Pay SEVIS fee and retain receipt for visa interview
  • Submit all college, dual-credit, and IB transcripts and AP scores to the Office of Admission
    • Transfer International students, submit credit evaluation for all foreign university courses taken. Please contact us with any questions.

Financial Aid

Business Office

  • Complete the Electronic Authorization Agreement when initially accessing Touchnet* through your RavenZone account
    *Benedictine College partners with Touchnet, a leading provider of secure online software for student billing
  • Pay your bill by August 1 (fall semester) or January 1 (spring semester) with one of these options:
    • Students can login to RavenZone and pay using a debit/credit card.
    • Students can use Flywire. Students will need to create an account on Flywire. Before submitting payment, students will need to use their RavenZone account to check the amount owed to the college. Go to the Flywire website, follow the directions to select the method of payment and the currency you will be using to pay your bill.
  • Purchase Raven Bucks for fall semester


  • Health Forms for New Student-Athletes: You will receive an email from Benedictine Athletic Training with instructions and a link to complete your health forms online. Bring a copy of your immunization record with you on your move-in day, email it to Director of Student Health Services Laura O’Grady ( or mail it to:

Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
1301 N. 3rd Street
Atchison, KS 66002

  • Health Forms for all other New Students: Download and complete required Health Form with medical and immunization history. Proof of insurance (copy of front and back of insurance card) is strongly recommended but not required. Submit via email ( or mail completed documents to the Director of Student Health Services:

Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
1301 N. 3rd Street
Atchison, KS 66002

  • View required textbooks through RavenZone or the Virtual Bookstore once you are enrolled in classes. You may opt to purchase your books within the Virtual Bookstore or through another vendor; be sure to use the required book’s ISBN and edition when searching with alternate vendors. Some required books may not be available for purchase through other vendors. Textbooks are not available for purchase in the Raven Store.

Parent of Student

Additional Information and Links

Contact Information

  • Office of Financial Aid
  • Office of Admission
  • Business Office
  • Student Life Office
  • Student Success Center
  • Student Health Office

Admission Counselors

Claire Hollis
Associate Director of Admission

Joseph Kuckleman
Assistant Director of Admission

Mary Margaret Mulvaney
Assistant Director of Admission

Grace Sammoury
Assistant Director of Admission

Emily Carstens
Admission Counselor

Jonathan Meinholz
Admission Counselor